Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Joe Biden Speaks on COVID-19 and Health Care LIVE from Wilmington, DE

Joe Biden is in Wilmington, Delaware speaking to folks about COVID-19, his plans to address the pandemic, and our need for quality, affordable health care for all Americans. Across the country, health care premiums are rising because of President Trump. His attempts to tear down the Affordable Care Act have rattled the insurance marketplace and driven up costs for hardworking Americans. It's unacceptable.
Read more about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s plan to beat COVID-19:
Read more about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s vision for health care:

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#JoeBiden #Joe2020 #BidenForPresident

Former Vice President Joe Biden is running for president to restore the soul of the nation. He believes it's time to remember who we are. We're Americans: tough and resilient. We choose hope over fear. Science over fiction. Truth over lies. And unity over division. We are the United States of America. And together, there is not a single thing we can't do. Join Team Joe today:

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